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"Boom!" Shi da yi sheng, shi di ren de e meng, ye shi liu feng er zhong zui mei miao de sheng yin. Shen hun da lu, shen hun wei zun, yong you shen hun tian fu de ren zai shi liu sui shi jiang hui xing shen hun, huo de ban sheng hun qi. Hun qi you wu qi, you sheng wu, ye you qi ta dong xi, sui ran mei yi jian hun qi shi wan quan xiang tong de, dan mei yi jian hun qi dou yong you ji qi shen qi de neng li yu cheng zhang xing. Liu feng chuan qu dao shen hun da lu, yin mou fan yi yi ming gui zu de guan xi bei fa pei chong jun, que zai ji hui qiao he xia jue xing le shen hun, er ta de ban sheng hun qi, geng shi zai shen hun da lu cong wei chu xian guo de re bing qi - qiang! Zhe, shi yi ge qiang shen de gu shi."

"Boom!" Shi da yi sheng, shi di ren de e meng, ye shi liu feng er zhong zui mei miao de sheng yin. Shen hun da lu, shen hun wei zun, yong you shen hun tian fu de ren zai shi liu sui shi jiang hui xing shen hun, huo de ban sheng hun qi. Hun qi you wu qi, you sheng wu, ye you qi ta dong xi, sui ran mei yi jian hun qi shi wan quan xiang tong de, dan mei yi jian hun qi dou yong you ji qi shen qi de neng li yu cheng zhang xing. Liu feng chuan qu dao shen hun da lu, yin mou fan yi yi ming gui zu de guan xi bei fa pei chong jun, que zai ji hui qiao he xia jue xing le shen hun, er ta de ban sheng hun qi, geng shi zai shen hun da lu cong wei chu xian guo de re bing qi - qiang! Zhe, shi yi ge qiang shen de gu shi."
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Seven: Breaking Through in Strength Update : 2023-07-05 01:11

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