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Blooming Splendor in the Republic of China Tom Write
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Husband Zhang Shengcheng said, 'In my eyes, you are nothing but a lowly ignorant fool, devoid of knowledge and talent.' But Ke Mulan said, 'Please believe me, crossing the low tide, you are a butterfly that breaks through the clouds, radiating brilliance.' Mulan is a type of medicine that cools the blood, stops bleeding, and detoxifies. With the company and urging of Kang Yurong, Mulan shed the layers of cowardice and humility that cloaked her. When she turned around, she transformed from a chrysalis into a butterfly, flying in splendor. Regarding emotions, Kang Yurong anticipated, pursued, and worked hard... but the wrong search left her battered and bruised. Only when she turned around did she find that person, the one who silently stood beside her, accepting her vulnerabilities and flaws.

Husband Zhang Shengcheng said, 'In my eyes, you are nothing but a lowly ignorant fool, devoid of knowledge and talent.' But Ke Mulan said, 'Please believe me, crossing the low tide, you are a butterfly that breaks through the clouds, radiating brilliance.' Mulan is a type of medicine that cools the blood, stops bleeding, and detoxifies. With the company and urging of Kang Yurong, Mulan shed the layers of cowardice and humility that cloaked her. When she turned around, she transformed from a chrysalis into a butterfly, flying in splendor. Regarding emotions, Kang Yurong anticipated, pursued, and worked hard... but the wrong search left her battered and bruised. Only when she turned around did she find that person, the one who silently stood beside her, accepting her vulnerabilities and flaws.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 4: Sleepless Tonight 1 Update : 2023-07-06 04:37

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