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Kill Me, Heal You Tom Write
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Five years ago, she was betrayed by her half-sister, lost her virginity, and had her scandalous photos exposed, leading to her being kicked out of her father's house. To make matters worse, she didn't even know who took her virginity. Five years later, she returns to her homeland with her mother's ashes, determined to take back the family fortune and fight against the wicked. The first step in her revenge plan is to get close to Feng, a powerful figure in the industry. With him as her backup, she stands a chance of winning. How to get close? She can only use herself as bait and use all means to approach him. With her seduction and his schemes, they finally get what they want. 'Miss Yu, why are you so determined? What is your goal?' 'Mr. Feng, you are a smart man. I want to join the Midnight Design Department, and only you can help me!' She lies in his arms, entwined, and reveals her true intentions. 'Is that all?' 'Just to join the design department? Maybe I can give you more!' And indeed, he gives her more - power, prestige, and the highest position in the fashion industry. Rumors spread that Feng spoils her beyond limits, but little do they know, overnight she falls from heaven into hell. The conspiracy started five years ago... It is said that love is the weakest spot for a beast. He is her beast! In the end, she becomes his heart!

Five years ago, she was betrayed by her half-sister, lost her virginity, and had her scandalous photos exposed, leading to her being kicked out of her father's house. To make matters worse, she didn't even know who took her virginity. Five years later, she returns to her homeland with her mother's ashes, determined to take back the family fortune and fight against the wicked. The first step in her revenge plan is to get close to Feng, a powerful figure in the industry. With him as her backup, she stands a chance of winning. How to get close? She can only use herself as bait and use all means to approach him. With her seduction and his schemes, they finally get what they want. 'Miss Yu, why are you so determined? What is your goal?' 'Mr. Feng, you are a smart man. I want to join the Midnight Design Department, and only you can help me!' She lies in his arms, entwined, and reveals her true intentions. 'Is that all?' 'Just to join the design department? Maybe I can give you more!' And indeed, he gives her more - power, prestige, and the highest position in the fashion industry. Rumors spread that Feng spoils her beyond limits, but little do they know, overnight she falls from heaven into hell. The conspiracy started five years ago... It is said that love is the weakest spot for a beast. He is her beast! In the end, she becomes his heart!
Latest Chapter :   Does it hurt? No, it doesn't hurt! Update : 2023-07-06 04:40

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