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If you Blossom Jack Write
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If you blossom, butterflies will come. Liang Ruoye loved Du Peilin for ten years, accompanying him through the ups and downs of life, and building their success together. Just when she was about to become Mrs. Du, an uncertainty sent her back to square one. She was never the 'first' in Du Peilin's eyes. Liang Ruoye decided to let go, for love cannot be forced and men can betray, but work never will. As a woman, if you treat life well, life will eventually treat you well. My happiness lies elsewhere, always in another place.

If you blossom, butterflies will come. Liang Ruoye loved Du Peilin for ten years, accompanying him through the ups and downs of life, and building their success together. Just when she was about to become Mrs. Du, an uncertainty sent her back to square one. She was never the 'first' in Du Peilin's eyes. Liang Ruoye decided to let go, for love cannot be forced and men can betray, but work never will. As a woman, if you treat life well, life will eventually treat you well. My happiness lies elsewhere, always in another place.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten Update : 2023-07-06 16:12

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