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Skeleton Illusion Play Picture Jack Write
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Lin Banxia seemed to have attracted something strange. His solitary home was always filled with strange noises - a knocking sound from an empty closet, a dripping sound from a faucet with no water, and strange chewing sounds outside the window. Until one midnight, he woke up abruptly and opened his eyes to see a snow-white skeleton, crouching on the ceiling of his house, turning its head and grinning at him. This radio drama will be available on Netease Cloud starting from the month day, with updates every day at 11 AM. The inspiration for this story comes from a painting by Li Song, a Southern Song Dynasty painter, titled 'Skeleton Illusion Play Picture'. If interested, you can search for it. Please note that this story is purely fictional, inspired by SCP, Cthulhu, and Call of Cthulhu RPG. Readers are advised not to take it literally. Thanks to Pantietai for providing the adorable cover. The novel will be released on Sunday. Thank you all for your support. The concept is to cherish life. :)

Lin Banxia seemed to have attracted something strange. His solitary home was always filled with strange noises - a knocking sound from an empty closet, a dripping sound from a faucet with no water, and strange chewing sounds outside the window. Until one midnight, he woke up abruptly and opened his eyes to see a snow-white skeleton, crouching on the ceiling of his house, turning its head and grinning at him. This radio drama will be available on Netease Cloud starting from the month day, with updates every day at 11 AM. The inspiration for this story comes from a painting by Li Song, a Southern Song Dynasty painter, titled 'Skeleton Illusion Play Picture'. If interested, you can search for it. Please note that this story is purely fictional, inspired by SCP, Cthulhu, and Call of Cthulhu RPG. Readers are advised not to take it literally. Thanks to Pantietai for providing the adorable cover. The novel will be released on Sunday. Thank you all for your support. The concept is to cherish life. :) 
Latest Chapter :   10 | Room 1303 (Ten) Update : 2023-07-07 12:25

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