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The Green Mile Jack Write
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Year. Cold Mountain Penitentiary, a grim and killing place in Georgia, United States. There is a one-mile stretch of green land called 'the Green Mile'. However, its inhabitants are all death row prisoners, and at the other end of the green land is the electric chair for execution. Paul Edgecombe is the prison superintendent here, seemingly numb to the process of death row inmates walking the Green Mile and screaming in agony on the electric chair. Apart from Paul and his loving wife Jan, 'the Green Mile' is also occupied by the cruel deputy warden, Hal, the sadistic guard, Percy, the conscience-ridden guard, Harry, and his terminally ill wife, Melinda, Delacroix, who finds amusement in teasing guards and fellow inmates with his pet mouse, William, the serial killer, and guilt-ridden prisoner, Eduard, among others. Their interactions are filled with animosity and disdain. However, everything changes with the arrival of the mysterious John Coffey. Coffey has been sentenced to death for the murder of two young girls. He has a terrifying appearance and a large build, yet he is remarkably peaceful, sensitive, and silent. Occasionally, he even acts like a child. At the same time, he seems to possess an indescribable mysterious power that instinctively engenders trust. This leaves Paul questioning whether Coffey is truly guilty of his crimes... True love cannot replace the program, and Coffey must eventually walk the Green Mile. In the moment when this seemingly crude man is about to face death, the people on the Green Mile experience significant transformations in their own lives in ways they never expected.

Year. Cold Mountain Penitentiary, a grim and killing place in Georgia, United States. There is a one-mile stretch of green land called 'the Green Mile'. However, its inhabitants are all death row prisoners, and at the other end of the green land is the electric chair for execution. Paul Edgecombe is the prison superintendent here, seemingly numb to the process of death row inmates walking the Green Mile and screaming in agony on the electric chair. Apart from Paul and his loving wife Jan, 'the Green Mile' is also occupied by the cruel deputy warden, Hal, the sadistic guard, Percy, the conscience-ridden guard, Harry, and his terminally ill wife, Melinda, Delacroix, who finds amusement in teasing guards and fellow inmates with his pet mouse, William, the serial killer, and guilt-ridden prisoner, Eduard, among others. Their interactions are filled with animosity and disdain. However, everything changes with the arrival of the mysterious John Coffey. Coffey has been sentenced to death for the murder of two young girls. He has a terrifying appearance and a large build, yet he is remarkably peaceful, sensitive, and silent. Occasionally, he even acts like a child. At the same time, he seems to possess an indescribable mysterious power that instinctively engenders trust. This leaves Paul questioning whether Coffey is truly guilty of his crimes... True love cannot replace the program, and Coffey must eventually walk the Green Mile. In the moment when this seemingly crude man is about to face death, the people on the Green Mile experience significant transformations in their own lives in ways they never expected.
Latest Chapter :   Chapter 3 Update : 2023-07-06 23:35

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