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Your Affection, My Poison Marry Write
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Betrayed by loved ones, she is subjected to injustice. Stepmother wants her to be a replacement bride, but she clings onto a lifeline like a drowning person. Her husband is disfigured and cruel? His disfigurement doesn't matter, she can heal. His ugliness doesn't matter, he's handsome in her lover's eyes. His cruelty... 'Wife, this keyboard is so hard, I've been kneeling all night, can you forgive me and let me get up?' a certain big shot mourns endlessly. 'Will you dare to do it again?' she asks, hands on hips. 'I won't dare, I won't dare. If my wife asks me to go east, I will never go west,' the certain big shot reveals a new low in grovelling. The subordinates... puke... Big shot, where is your integrity? Big shot gives a meaningful glance: 'You single dogs know nothing about the joy of marriage.'

Betrayed by loved ones, she is subjected to injustice. Stepmother wants her to be a replacement bride, but she clings onto a lifeline like a drowning person. Her husband is disfigured and cruel? His disfigurement doesn't matter, she can heal. His ugliness doesn't matter, he's handsome in her lover's eyes. His cruelty... 'Wife, this keyboard is so hard, I've been kneeling all night, can you forgive me and let me get up?' a certain big shot mourns endlessly. 'Will you dare to do it again?' she asks, hands on hips. 'I won't dare, I won't dare. If my wife asks me to go east, I will never go west,' the certain big shot reveals a new low in grovelling. The subordinates... puke... Big shot, where is your integrity? Big shot gives a meaningful glance: 'You single dogs know nothing about the joy of marriage.'
Latest Chapter :   Chapter Ten: Calculations on the Mind Update : 2023-07-07 12:09

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