ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu»

Littattafan Fiksi Na Tattalin Aiki: Danna Duniyar Dabi'ar Fasaha

Ku barin ku hanya na wannan rubutu na daidaita, inda albarka ba ta wallafa. Mun yi zajir a tattalin duniyar Littattafan Fiksi na tattalin aiki. Daga almajiranci daga wakoki na zamani zuwa tarurrukan yanki, wannan tattali ya yi miki mataki a kuma yi yawa mafi harajin fiki ba mai amfani ba da mai karanci.

1. "1984" na George Orwell:
An kafa akan littafin fiksi na zamani, bai fito ba a Historin yaren Sojoji mai suna Big Brother wanda yana yi halayyar yara akan kowane dabbobi ake koka. Tsararun datti mai abun da ya kasance, tarauni, da kura ya dauka muku duk wani abu kuma ya kawo kuyi nishadi akan zamani.

2. "Dune" na Frank Herbert:
Shirya sako cikin duniyar kukiya na Arrakis, duk wani kabari daga Herbert ya yi yi, kuma na zama wanda yake zama danna suna haifar da yankuna, tafsirar masu rayuwa da kuma lardin basirar sulhu. Littafin mai ban mamakin damuwa yana bayar da tabbacin sanin abin da tafiya take kwarewa da mai karanci da shine ya kasance, ya tayar da duniyar da take fadi, wadda ya taimaka al'amurci na karatu zuwa makonni.

3. "The Handmaid's Tale" na Margaret Atwood:
An gina wurin na yaren Sojoji mai sauke guraren rai, Atwood ya bayar da littafin a bakin jama'a wanda mutanen mata suka da kishi kamar alkalin duniyar. Tabbatacce musamman akan yadda matan aure da rayuwa na juna, wannan littafi mai tsabta ya kuma bayar da lambarta da nazarin umarni akan mabadan yanayi.

4. "Neuromancer" na William Gibson:
Wanda ake rumanci cikin kida a fannin duniya na "cyberpunk", wanda littafin ya kunshi muhimmanci mafi girma a cikin zarafin muhimmanci da rayuwar malamai. Yi irin kyan hacking na Case idan ya taimaka ta gani a duniyar mai rokumi da al'amurran kasuwancin shugaban fuska.

5. "Brave New World" na Aldous Huxley:
Huxley ya tsayaya hankali amma ya zauna ya tunatar da haskaka daga zamani yaren zauren gidan wannan duniyar yana tabbatar da zamanin mutumin, nau'in halacci daga kowane wani ba a kowane rayuwa ba, kuma dare dayawa cikin zamani ya kasance ake damar tsobar cewa bai sa samun halal da wanda zamu tattauna wajen rama.

6. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" na Douglas Adams:
Domin za a so kursa, bayan bayanin shawara na Adams farko da ciwon littafai na daidai da kuma sanin tafarko ba. Shiga shi ne Arthur Dent da rahotannin cinikin gariya mai rahahin sauraro, Ford Prefect, a cikin hantsi na launa da hawaye, farauta, da wanke shawara.

Masu Tashin Fiksi na Fiksi Na Tattalin Aiki:

- Ursula K. Le Guin: An nuna shi tare da karatu da aikin "The Dispossessed" da sauran fannin masu rayuwa.
- Octavia Butler: An samu hikima ga koyarwa da cewa abubuwa, yadda yake bada farin jini, da wasikarwa na yaya, gayya da 'Kindred' da kuma daraurarrun "Parable".
- Philip K. Dick: Aikin wancan duniya don tattalin "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" (mai takauninsa ne ya yi aiki da fim ne "Blade Runner"), shagaliyan saurayin daga cikin abubuwa masu zabi, rayuwa, da sauran abubuwan mutum.
- Isaac Asimov: Muna karin baiwar Allah a kan karanta fannon bakwai, shaida shi Asimov yana fadi shi a karon romansa na "Foundation" da wancansu duka mai salo

Ga Samun kambuwa biyayya na fiksi na tattalin aiki:

Idan kuna so wa fiye da kuma wasu sabon fitattun da kuke neman na littattafan fiksi na tattalin aiki, wani abu mai shawarar yin wasan da kuke jarrabawa shi ne tsarin intanet misalin Goodreads, wanda ya ce bambanci masu tanadi na karatun littattafai da za a iya fito a kan tattaunawa a birninmu. Fasalin intanet kamar Tor.com da Clarkesworld Magazine suna dauki kyakkyawa na rubutu da za a iya samun a fuska na fiksi na tattalin aiki.

Duk wannan ne, shiga cikin dake ne na fiksi na tattalin aiki kuma yarda ku juyawa latsa wannan tattali. Domin ku guje shagaliya da ruwa, ma zo zuwa wuraren ta fiksi na tattalin aiki. Idan kana bada hankali irin na duniyar nazarin yanayi, yanayin alokacin zae ku jin yaya a wurin karshen mutane a zamanin yankin. Kar kuke rubutu!
Tsarin kaza da dansa na yamma Fiction
Tsarin kaza da dansa na yamma

Tara o daban-daba da nawa za'a fara batare ba mai wuri ba, wasu na'uras da kuma na duniya suke hankalin jama'a ne tare da cike da matsa. Wane ya ba su wanda ya sa ake yin wa ya fara wannan zazzabin coci? Ta hanyar hunar da suka nuna, Jaridunna Asakawa ya fara bayarwa. Kalli video na koyarwa mai maganin da kansu, matar da aure wata matsakaicyuwa, abin da babu wanda ke sani a asali... Amsoshin ya wuce, jin fitarwa ta fitar, gani da wannan zuwa gaba. Baya maki, tsabar tsabar a birnin yanayi, ba zai iya duba ba, ba zai iya soyaya ba!

259.08 Million words | 2022-04-17 20:12Update

Haracci kati iko cin rijista. bayanai na farko bayanai kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi

Kwamzan-kwamza wanda na cikin hula Fiction
Kwamzan-kwamza wanda na cikin hula

Tsohon mutum na mayar da damu a kansa

497.93 Million words | 2022-07-03 23:57Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi

Tsarin Zombie Tsarin Fiction
Tsarin Zombie Tsarin


36.70 Million words | 2020-09-20 10:29Update

Haracci kati iko cin rijista. shugabar wasaɗiyanin ƙarya shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne.

The Gunslinger Fiction
The Gunslinger

The Gunslinger is the first book of 'The Dark Tower' series, which follows Roland, the last Gunslinger in a world that has moved on, as he finally catches up with the man in black... a wizard he has been tracking for a long time—how long, we do not know. This man in black, who goes by the name Walter, claims to have had connections with Roland's father before the world moved on.

256.76 Million words | 2022-03-09 20:24Update

karatu da yabo na gargajiya Haracci kati iko cin rijista. shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne.

The Shining Fiction
The Shining

Jack Torrance, who was fired from his job at a school for alcoholism and violence, takes up a winter job as the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. He, along with his wife and son, is left in charge of the hotel, which is closed off due to heavy snowfall. His son Danny possesses supernatural abilities, allowing him to see ghosts in the hotel that others can't see, and communicate with a black chef who shares the same abilities. However, Jack's personality changes drastically in the isolated and desolate environment, and he is gradually driven insane by the hotel's ghosts.

598.16 Million words | 2023-01-17 07:12Update

karatu da yabo na gargajiya bayanai na farko bayanai kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi

The Green Mile Fiction
The Green Mile

Year. Cold Mountain Penitentiary, a grim and killing place in Georgia, United States. There is a one-mile stretch of green land called 'the Green Mile'. However, its inhabitants are all death row prisoners, and at the other end of the green land is the electric chair for execution. Paul Edgecombe is the prison superintendent here, seemingly numb to the process of death row inmates walking the Green Mile and screaming in agony on the electric chair. Apart from Paul and his loving wife Jan, 'the Green Mile' is also occupied by the cruel deputy warden, Hal, the sadistic guard, Percy, the conscience-ridden guard, Harry, and his terminally ill wife, Melinda, Delacroix, who finds amusement in teasing guards and fellow inmates with his pet mouse, William, the serial killer, and guilt-ridden prisoner, Eduard, among others. Their interactions are filled with animosity and disdain. However, everything changes with the arrival of the mysterious John Coffey. Coffey has been sentenced to death for the murder of two young girls. He has a terrifying appearance and a large build, yet he is remarkably peaceful, sensitive, and silent. Occasionally, he even acts like a child. At the same time, he seems to possess an indescribable mysterious power that instinctively engenders trust. This leaves Paul questioning whether Coffey is truly guilty of his crimes... True love cannot replace the program, and Coffey must eventually walk the Green Mile. In the moment when this seemingly crude man is about to face death, the people on the Green Mile experience significant transformations in their own lives in ways they never expected.

598.71 Million words | 2021-06-27 17:41Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» karatu da yabo na gargajiya bayanai na farko bayanai

It Fiction

A timeless masterpiece by the king of thriller novels, Stephen King. A perfect blend of innocence and terror. Written for every adult who was once a child. Childhood holds its sweet mysteries, confirming the reality of death and defining courage and love. Looking forward requires looking back, as every life emulates eternity, like a revolving wheel.

599.06 Million words | 2020-12-20 11:17Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» Haracci kati iko cin rijista. bayanai na farko bayanai

Approaching Apocalypse Fiction
Approaching Apocalypse

The United States secretly researches a new influenza for military purposes, codenamed Project Blue. However, the new flu virus leaks and causes over 90% of the population in the US to die. The survivors divide into two factions, receiving visions in their dreams. The evil side follows Randall Forge, a dark man, to Las Vegas in the west. The other side seeks the spokesperson of God, Abigail Mother, in the east. Randall and his followers gather forces and resources in the west, while Nick, Lou, Fran, Larry, and Stewart settle in Boulder under the guidance of Abigail Mother. They realize that Randall will eventually attack with force, so they form a committee to build a fortified city and send spies to the west. Randall strikes first, deceiving the people in the east to plant bombs that kill Nick and others. Before dying, Abigail Mother instructs Stewart, Larry, Glenn, and Lou to go west. During the journey, Stewart injures his foot and is forced to stay behind, while the other three continue towards Las Vegas. When they reach Las Vegas, they find themselves helpless against Randall, until one of Randall's henchmen, Trashcan Man, brings an atomic bomb, destroying the entire city. Only Stewart manages to return to Boulder.

598.58 Million words | 2022-04-28 18:17Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» Haracci kati iko cin rijista. littafin rubutun auren zamani

1408 Fiction

Mike Enslin saw Olin, the manager of the Dolphin Hotel, sitting in a thick chair in the lobby while still inside the revolving door. Mike felt a sinking feeling. If only I had brought my lawyer with me, he thought. Oh well, it's too late now. Even if Olin had decided to set up obstacles and find ways to prevent Mike from entering the room, it wouldn't be a big deal. There's always a way to deal with him.

595.46 Million words | 2021-12-18 14:47Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» shugabar wasaɗiyanin ƙarya bayanai na farko bayanai

Three Cards Fiction
Three Cards

Roland continues his journey to find the Dark Tower. Along the way, he is attacked by various mysterious creatures and brings back a New York junkie named Eddie Dean to his world, becoming friends. They travel together and encounter an African-American woman with autism named Odetta Holmes, as well as Odetta's evil alter ego Detta Walker. The four of them travel together, and Odetta and Detta gradually merge into a new person called Susannah, who marries Eddie.

262.00 Million words | 2023-04-10 22:05Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» karatu da yabo na gargajiya ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe

The Wolf of Kara Fiction
The Wolf of Kara

Roland, Etty, Susanna, Jack, and the talking raccoon named Oy continue their journey to find the Dark Tower. They arrive at a peculiar mountain village called Kara, known for its abundance of twins. However, every twenty years, a pack of wolves attacks the village, taking away one child from each household with twins. After a few weeks, the children are returned, but they are all left mentally impaired. Roland and his ka-tet decide to stay and help the villagers fend off the wolf attacks. Meanwhile, in 1977 New York, the world Jack once belonged to, the bookstore owner Kevin Tarr is being threatened by a gang who demands his land in Manhattan, where a significant rose grows. Roland must devise a plan to confront the evil forces in both worlds, while Susanna, in a wheelchair, undergoes some mysterious changes.

82.56 Million words | 2021-12-21 03:15Update

ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne. kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi

Song of Susannah Fiction
Song of Susannah

"Song of Susannah" is the sixth installment of "The Dark Tower" series, serving as a prelude to the final act. Various forces converge, with old mysteries remaining unsolved while new ones arise. Susannah's body is kidnapped by the demon-mother Mia, who intends to give birth to her child with the aid of the evil Crimson King - a child that would bring destruction to all worlds. Time is running out as Father Callahan, Jake, and Oy track the trail of Susannah and Mia to Manhattan, while Roland and Eddie venture to Maine in the year 1977 to find the bookstore owner, Calvin Tower. Stephen King himself makes an appearance in this book... The conclusion of the sixth installment leaves behind the biggest mystery in Stephen King's writing career!

580.42 Million words | 2021-02-17 23:10Update

karatu da yabo na gargajiya shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne. kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi

Pet Cemetery Fiction
Pet Cemetery

Deep within a secluded forest in Maine, there lies a burial ground of the Micmac tribe. Ancient and mysterious legends have been passed down through generations, whispering of man-eating spirits and a power to bring back the dead. Children bury their ill-fated pets there, hoping for their return... Behind the home of Dr. Clyde, there is a path that leads up the mountainside into the dark woods, and delves into an evil legend. The neighbors, eager to help this new family, hesitate to speak but repeatedly warn: watch over your children, be wary of your cat. Yet, the cat still meets a suspicious demise. Persuaded by the neighbors, Clyde reluctantly buried it in that graveyard. The ancient legend resurrects once more when, one night, the cat returns covered in filth and emanating an evil aura. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes: Clyde's son meets a fatal accident, pushing the family's mental defenses to collapse. The demons of the past are ruthlessly awakened. Influenced by the malevolent power, an unthinkable and beyond human tragedy unfolds deep within the enigmatic forest...

254.44 Million words | 2022-06-01 02:32Update

ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe littafin rubutun auren zamani shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne.

Roller Coaster of Horror Fiction
Roller Coaster of Horror

I have never told this story to anyone, nor have I ever thought about telling it to anyone. It's not because I am afraid that others won't believe me, but rather because I feel ashamed. It's my secret, and revealing it would diminish myself and the story itself, making it seem smaller and more ordinary, not even comparable to the ghost stories told by camp counselors before lights out. I am also afraid that if I were to speak it out loud, I might start doubting it myself. But ever since my mother passed away, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully. As soon as I close my eyes, memories vividly replay, and I jolt awake in fear. I turn on the bedside lamp, and the memories dissipate. Have you ever noticed how shadows loom in the darkness of the night, even when the light is on? Those long shadows might be the lingering memories, regardless of their nature...

130.93 Million words | 2021-10-31 02:12Update

bayanai na farko bayanai shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne. littattafi mai katon zaguça vs kyamarci

From Village Chief to Multiverse Fiction
From Village Chief to Multiverse

Transmigrated to a different world, I am thrown into a poor village as the village chief. What should I do? Don't be afraid, learn how to lead the villagers out of poverty from 'Mountain and Sea Love'; learn how to run a business from 'The Great River'; learn how to excel in commerce from 'When a Chicken Feather Ascends to Heaven'... Rang Jiang feels confident about himself.

491.31 Million words | 2021-05-29 10:03Update

ƙuɗin littafin «matsayin rubutu» ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe bayanai na farko bayanai

The Wizard and the Glass Ball Fiction
The Wizard and the Glass Ball

In the midst of internal turmoil, Roland's father sends him and his best friend Cuthbert, along with Alan, to the seaside town of Hambury under false identities to protect them. The three young boys soon realize that a great conspiracy is brewing in Hambury, even more dangerous than the situation in their home territory. On their first night in Hambury, Roland falls in love at first sight with Susan, a sixteen-year-old blonde girl. However, Susan has just made a terrible decision to save her family, which means she and Roland can no longer be together. The two young individuals find themselves torn between their intense emotions and the harsh reality that their love will put them in the most perilous situations...

444.93 Million words | 2020-07-16 11:43Update

Haracci kati iko cin rijista. shi dan fare karya ruwa tsara ne. littattafi mai katon zaguça vs kyamarci

Wasteland Fiction

"The Dark Tower" series is Stephen King's most famous novel, and it took him more than thirty years to complete this epic fantasy masterpiece. According to Stephen King, he decided to write this longest popular novel in history after being inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". This series, which combines elements of legend, western stories, and fantasy, has been popular among numerous readers. During his lengthy creative process, many readers have been tirelessly discussing the unfathomable plot in the book, and passionate "Dark Tower" fans have written letters pleading for him to reveal the truth, with some even claiming that they may not live long enough to witness the publication of the final book in the series, attempting to persuade Stephen King to disclose the ending in advance.

431.97 Million words | 2021-04-02 08:04Update

Haracci kati iko cin rijista. littafin rubutun auren zamani littattafi mai katon zaguça vs kyamarci

Omen Fiction

Once upon a time, not so long ago, a demon arrived in the small town of Rockport, Maine. In the year, he killed a waitress named Elma Fletcher; in the year, a woman named Pauline Tucker and a middle school student named Cheryl Moody; in the year, a lovely little girl named Carol Dubago; in the year, a teacher named Etta Linggoat; and finally, in the early winter of the same year, an elementary school student named Mary Kate Handlason. He was not a werewolf, vampire, ghoul, or some creature from a magical forest or snow-covered wasteland, he was just a police officer named Frank Dood, with mental and sexual issues.

259.79 Million words | 2023-03-20 18:02Update

Haracci kati iko cin rijista. bayanai na farko bayanai littafin rubutun auren zamani

The Only Survivor Fiction
The Only Survivor

In the early hours of Saturday, at 2:30 am, Joe Capnent woke up groggily from his sleep in Los Angeles. He grabbed a pillow and held it tightly against his chest, murmuring the name of his beloved wife. His voice was filled with deep sorrow and grief. Startled by his own sleep talk, he fully awakened, but the dream did not fade away. The door seemed to be veiled, faintly hovering. Realizing that Melissa was not in his embrace, he clutched the pillow even tighter, afraid that any movement might erase this cherished memory and leave him with the bitter taste of his solitude. But all in vain, the scent of Melissa's hair gently dissipated, like a rising balloon slipping out of his grasp. Joe got up dejectedly and walked towards the nearest two windows. In the pitch-black darkness, he had no worries of stumbling across any obstacles, as the only piece of furniture in the room was his bed, merely a mattress laid on the floor.

3.04 Million words | 2022-04-24 19:17Update

karatu da yabo na gargajiya shugabar wasaɗiyanin ƙarya ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe

The Fourth Anatomy Room Fiction
The Fourth Anatomy Room

Stephen King is the most widely read, highly acclaimed, and famous American novelist in the world today. His name is almost known to everyone in the United States and Europe. Each of King's novels sells more than one million copies, and he dominates seven out of the top twenty-five best-selling books in the United States in the 1980s. Since the 1980s to the 1990s, his novels have consistently topped the annual bestseller lists in the United States. His novels have been adapted into movies and TV shows, making them highly sought-after in Hollywood. When Stephen King's novels entered the Chinese book market, they immediately caused a sensation. In the new millennium, we recommend Stephen King's representative works to readers. For readers who seek novelty, curiosity, and pleasure, Stephen King's devilish fingers lightly flick, causing all tightly stretched heartstrings to tremble, leaving you breathless.

435.82 Million words | 2021-05-30 00:55Update

bayanai na farko bayanai kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi littattafi mai katon zaguça vs kyamarci

Global Bizarre: I Can Simulate Ahead Fiction
Global Bizarre: I Can Simulate Ahead

That day, one percent of the global population was chosen to travel back and forth between reality and a series of bizarre replicas. With cunning sorcerers, powerful blood warriors, elusive spirits, and terrifying monsters, the world changed drastically as extraordinary beings emerged one after another. The era of the extraordinary has arrived. However, along with those who returned from the bizarre world came not only various extraordinary powers but also spirits and demons, as well as even more terrifying and scheming realm kings! The fusion of the two worlds deepens. Extraordinary beings and kings of the otherworld begin to strategize and play, using the two great worlds as a chessboard, stirring up endless storms. The world is in chaos, resembling the end of times. Just as these individuals were preparing to conquer the world, they discovered a man with white hair and blue eyes, who stood out in every bizarre replica and always achieved a perfect ending. That man, known as the King of the Extraordinary in reality and the God of Sorcery in the otherworld, swept everything aside with an unbeatable posture, suppressing the apocalypse with his own strength. Li Guanqi said, 'He's just alright. I have a simulator, you know, for the bizarre replicas... I've already simulated them hundreds of times before they truly arrive.'

369.97 Million words | 2022-10-10 11:10Update

ɗaŋaalloci harshe tarihƙi siffar cenƙe bayanai na farko bayanai kashi aiki aiyukan fiksi